DJH City-Hostel Duisburg-Landschaftspark

Stay modern overnight- in front of historical industrial sceneries!

Our hostel in Duisburg is located right in the middle of the Duisburg landscape park (Landschaftspark), inside a metallurgical plant’s former administrative building – a fascinating location with a unique beauty found nowhere else, and the perfect spot to explore the area’s industrial history.

• 142 beds: double, four-bed and six-bed rooms, all with private showers and bathrooms
• One wheelchair-accessible double room
• Dining hall, bistro
• 6 conference rooms
• Excellent connections to local public transportation

Jugendherberge Duisburg Landschaftspark
für Industriekultur
Lösorter Str. 133
47137 Duisburg

Tel: +49 203 41790-0
Fax: +49 203 41790-10

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